An individual’s life can be drastically affected by injuries and medical conditions that limit their movement and function. With the help of physical therapy, people can regain their quality of life by overcoming the hurdles caused by long-term medical conditions, chronic pain, and injuries or illnesses. Physical therapy can be beneficial to people of all ages to manage pain, mobility, and function without the need for drugs and potential surgical procedures.
What is Physical Therapy?
Physical therapy is often defined as a conservative and the least intrusive way to evaluate and treat abnormal physical functions associated with injuries, disabilities, diseases, and various types of medical conditions. A licensed and trained physical therapist can assist patients with diagnosing, restoring, and maintaining physical activity and function. A physical therapy program is custom-planned according to the needs and requirements of each individual. It is aimed at an overall improvement in the quality of life.

Advantages of Physical Therapy
Alternative to Surgery:
A lot of medical issues that require surgery can benefit substantially with physical therapy as well. Most surgical treatments can be expensive and are quite invasive. This can be a cause for concern for most patients, who can turn to physical therapy as the first line of treatment and an alternative to surgeries. Even some doctors choose to refer their patients to a physical therapist before resorting to surgery to treat cases of muscle damage, meniscal tears, spinal stenosis, etc. It offers healing assistance to injured tissue. It facilitates mobility while improving the overall physical health, allowing the need for surgery to be avoided. Even when some surgeries cannot be avoided, getting pre-surgical physical therapy can help in speedy recovery.
Pain Management:
One of the primary benefits of physical therapy is that of pain management and elimination. With the rising side-effects of opioids becoming a worldwide concern, it offers patients the opportunity to deal with chronic pain in a healthier manner. Techniques used in physical therapeutics by licensed therapists bring relief to patients, especially those with musculoskeletal conditions, and even assists in restoring muscle and joint function. If done correctly and regularly, the prescribed physical exercises can also keep pain from returning.
Prevent Injuries:
Individuals who are at risk of encountering injuries can benefit from targeted physical therapy. This is of particular help in athletes and specific sports-related injuries. A physical therapist can assess the weak areas in an athlete’s body and work out a therapeutic plan to strengthen the vulnerable points and prevent future injuries. Muscle tears, stress fractures, and strained tendons are some of the most common physical injuries sportspersons encounter; the right exercise program can assist patients with a speedy recovery and help them get back to their sports routine. Apart from athletes, anyone with a physically demanding job can benefit from long-term physical therapy.
Improved Mobility:
For anyone who’s the movement has been affected due to injury, disease, aging, or even due to a sedentary lifestyle, it can help restore normal mobility and function through exercises and assistive devices. A physical therapist makes customized plans for each individual to incorporate strengthening and stretching exercises according to their age and help them with routine activities like walking, writing, eating, etc.
Assist in Recovery from Stroke:
Individuals who have suffered from a stroke can lose some amount of movement and function in their limbs. With the help of physical therapy, patients can strengthen their weakened muscles and improve their motion and balance during the recovery period.
Management of General Health Issues:
Many age-related and general health issues like arthritis, osteoporosis, joint pains, etc. can be tackled with physical therapy instead of excessive medication or joint-replacement surgeries. It serves as a particularly safer and conservative approach for older patients. it also helps people with medical conditions like diabetes and heart diseases by assisting in controlling blood sugar levels and cardiac rehabilitation.