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Nutrition clinic in Bahrain

Most of us have followed several diets at least once in our lifetime due to various health reasons. Some of us have been successful in meeting our goals while for the majority of us it has been ineffective.
At American Medical Center, we understand the challenges associated with maintaining and following a healthy lifestyle and so we aim to make it easier for you.

Welcome to our Clinical Nutrition and Dietics department At American Medical Center! Our Dietician in American Medical Center heads the Nutrition and Dietetics department in providing healthy diet plan. The department provides patients with guidance on healthy eating and managing their eating habits in relation to their weight goals or any illnesses. American Medical Center is among clinic in Bahrain with a clinical nutrition and dietics department. Nutrition is an important factor that affects human health directly. A healthy diet not only plays an important role in boosting our immune system but also aids in improving the reproductive health of both women and men. Our Nutrition and Dietics clinic is one of the important departments in the clinic, due to the increased health consciousness among the people of Bahrain. The department is committed towards providing the patients with suitable diet systems based on their health, needs and requirements. As humans, we need to include nutritious food into our diet to meet certain daily needs. Nutrients are essential for the human body to for growth and survival.

Areas of Dietetic management:
(But not limited to)

Diseases related to joints:



NOTE: These offers change from time to time

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